“A Rule of Life is like a rose trellis which enables the flowers to grow towards the sun just as we need to grow towards God.”
~ Basil Pennington
What is an Associate?
Associates of the Community are both men and women, single or married, lay and ordained, who wish to commit themselves to a Rule of Life and friendship with the Community. They help us immeasurably by prayer, volunteer service, spiritual and material support, and by their dedicated lives in the world. We share our lives with them by remembering them in our prayers, offering hospitality and worship, sending newsletters, and providing retreats and opportunities for spiritual growth.
How do I become an Associate?
It begins by writing your own Rule of Life, with the help of a Sister, based on the summary of the law: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Part of the Rule should focus on “love of creation” as well. After keeping your Rule for six months, you are eligible to be received as an Associate.
Suggestions for a Rule of Life
What could these phrases mean to you?
“Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind”
Regular church attendance, daily time for meditation and quiet time with God, time for study, going on retreats, and regular time for prayer.
“Love your neighbor”
Time set aside for volunteering, time for family and friends, outreach in the community, and intercessory prayer.
“Love yourself”
Getting enough sleep, following a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, finding a spiritual mentor.
“Love of creation”
Recycling, taking care of pets, regular time outside, gardening, participation in environmental conservation
To start the process of becoming an Associate, email Sister Madeleine Mary or call the Convent.